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5 th - english - Poetry tamarind - question and answers

Poetry tamarind

Words to know

Bose branches
Driver past tense of draw to full to attract
Eager keen to do something excited about something
Austin : to move quickly
Merely : only as described and nothing more
In in Ven  : without success
Vending : going in curves are twists
Magnificent : great wonderful

Comprehension C1 answer the following questions in two or three sentences each one what does the tree give each year pre gives fruit and shade where does the poet love 26 she loved to sit under the shade and take rest a while did the poet find the tree after coming back why she could not find the tree the tree had been cut what does the poet do seeing an Empty hall the poet to find cut that the tree has been cut then poet saw the distant Hills with tears long ago there was a tall tree standing there but now there is only an Empty hall


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