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5 th - english - Poetry - friends - questions and answers

Poetry friends

Words to know lie to sleep on the back face upwards liquors science dimly lace a decorative cloth which is made by weaving Steel to take something without permission Whisper to speak quietly in a law voice gently gentle mild and kind carefully really comprehension C1 discuss with your partner and answer the following questions what does the child like to do ? 

Ans  : the child likes to lie under a CD tree and see the sky

What is the rhyming word for less in the second stanza
Ans  : Face

Why does the wind come to the child ? 
Ans  : the wind blows gently over the grassland and conveys many good things he is not able to see him but is able to feel is care

4. Who are some of the gentle friends of the child in the poem ?

Ans  : the sky the sunshine the wind

5 . What does the sky look like? 
Ans  : the sky looks likes a kind big smile

C2 maths the words in kalame with those in kalambi


Snow wind cloud light heat moon sun dust star


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